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Services offered to migrants

Integration services offered to migrants


Within the project: "Integration NOW II - Complex and unitary approaches for migrants"(“Integrare ACUM II - Abordări complexe și unitare pentru migranți”), reference number FAMI 19.01.04 (05) financed by the National Program - Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.


The Regional Integration Centers from Oradea and Timișoara offer for free services to the foreign citizens*:


- Social, legal and information counseling;

- Cultural accommodation events and courses for learning romanian language;

- Support in finding a job and meeting with potential employers;

- Material Assistance for vulnerable categories;

- Reimbursement for some medical services;

- Reimbursement of transport toward CRI / CRCPSA (based on microbus / train ticket);

- Support for equivalence of diplomas, reimbursemnet for translation of documents;

- Financial stimulent for those who actively participate to their own integration (150 lei);

- Couneling and  intermediation for accessing services in the community;
- Subsiziding costs for school supplies and auxiliary didactic materials for children (books, notebooks, pencils, sports equipment, watercolors, backpack, etc.);
- Reimbursement costs for nursery, kindergarten, afterschool programs, boarding school, extracurricular activities;

- The possibility to engage in volunteer activities.


* Foreign citizens who can benefit from services are those who have a legal right to stay in Romania (Non-UE citizens) or those who benefit from a form of protection of the Romanian state (refugee or subsiyidiary protection status).


More information :

Centrul Regional de Integrare Filantropia Oradea (Bihor, Arad, Hunedoara county)

Str. Buzăului, nr. 2B,  Oradea, Bihor – România

E-mail: adrianapopa@filantropiaoradea.ro

Tel/fax: 0359 442 727 / 0743 081 449



Centrul Regional de Integrare AIDRom Timișoara (Timiş, Mehedinţi, Caraş Severin county)

Str. Gheorge Sincai Nr. 9 Timisoara Timis – România

E-mail: ilioni.flavius@yahoo.ro

Tel: 0256.217.096 / 0740.040.032 

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